Scooter Libby's "Alzheimer's Defense" trial ended yesterday in conviction. Jurors decided the celebrated lawyer and Cheney chief of staff had a good enough memory to remember the pardon in his hip pocket--the Get Out of Jail Free card he was offered in exchange for taking one for the Bush team--and therefore should have remembered the conversations he had with reporters Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper, when he leaked the identity of covert CIA operative, Valerie Plame Wilson.
On appeal, Libby plans to use his non-existent conversation with Tim Russert of NBC news to prove his memory loss was real.
Though federal guidelines would suggest Libby faces 1-3 behind bars, his grin leaving the courtroom suggested he also recalled "Bush's Brain" Karl Rove's White House game strategy: to call for a new trial and failing that, drag out the appeals process over the next 22 months, when Bush can hightail it out of Washington and pardon him.
Cheney's brain, enraged over Ambassador Wilson's outing of the Bush team's bogus war claims, had scribbled in the margins of the NYTimes/Wilson expose that the way to get Wilson was through his undercover wife. From there, Cheney went on the attack, leading to the most serious crimes committed by high government officials since the Nixon Era.
But as Cheney's chief of staff's Alzheimer's issues surfaced, God frantically pointed at the Vice President's brain by planting a blood clot in his leg. Rarely had God, a better shot than the vice president, gotten so physically involved in a pending case.
Back in 2003, George Bush's actual brain insisted that anyone in his administration convicted of leaking classified information would be treated harshly. In keeping, Libby's pardon will be good only until Alzheimer's robs his memory of those who set him up.
The lesson here for the nation's school children is the "No Witness Left Behind" principle. With Libby's onset Alzheimer's, and the Vice President's onset leg clot, Karl Rove's wife is quietly beefing up her husband's life insurance policy. Her greatest fear is that he'll be sent to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Bush's Roach Motel, where the president's wounded check in, but never check out.
Lost forever in the deception is the serious crime, committed by Libby puppeteers Cheney, Rove, and Bush, of outing spy Valerie Plame Wilson in order to silence her husband, Iraqi war critic, Ambassador Joe Wilson. The bogus war that resulted has cost over a half-trillion dollars, and over a hundred thousand lives.
Elsewhere in the news, NASA is canceling its Killer Asteroid program, citing lack of funds. NASA says finding 90% of the Earth-crossing asteroids and destroying them would cost $1 billion dollars, or about 3 days worth of the Iraqi War -- money it simply does not have. Asteroids capable of ending life on Earth hit every 500,000 years or so, with the last impact occurring in 498,000 BC.
Scooter Libby's "Alzheimer's Defense" trial ended yesterday in conviction. Jurors decided the celebrated lawyer and Cheney chief of staff had a good enough memory to remember the pardon in his hip pocket--the Get Out of Jail Free card he was offered in exchange for taking one for the Bush team--and therefore should have remembered the conversations he had with reporters Judith Miller and Matthew Cooper, when he leaked the identity of covert CIA operative, Valerie Plame Wilson.
On appeal, Libby plans to use his non-existent conversation with Tim Russert of NBC news to prove his memory loss was real.
Though federal guidelines would suggest Libby faces 1-3 behind bars, his grin leaving the courtroom suggested he also recalled "Bush's Brain" Karl Rove's White House game strategy: to call for a new trial and failing that, drag out the appeals process over the next 22 months, when Bush can hightail it out of Washington and pardon him.
Cheney's brain, enraged over Ambassador Wilson's outing of the Bush team's bogus war claims, had scribbled in the margins of the NYTimes/Wilson expose that the way to get Wilson was through his undercover wife. From there, Cheney went on the attack, leading to the most serious crimes committed by high government officials since the Nixon Era.
But as Cheney's chief of staff's Alzheimer's issues surfaced, God frantically pointed at the Vice President's brain by planting a blood clot in his leg. Rarely had God, a better shot than the vice president, gotten so physically involved in a pending case.
Back in 2003, George Bush's actual brain insisted that anyone in his administration convicted of leaking classified information would be treated harshly. In keeping, Libby's pardon will be good only until Alzheimer's robs his memory of those who set him up.
The lesson here for the nation's school children is the "No Witness Left Behind" principle. With Libby's onset Alzheimer's, and the Vice President's onset leg clot, Karl Rove's wife is quietly beefing up her husband's life insurance policy. Her greatest fear is that he'll be sent to the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Bush's Roach Motel, where the president's wounded check in, but never check out.
Lost forever in the deception is the serious crime, committed by Libby puppeteers Cheney, Rove, and Bush, of outing spy Valerie Plame Wilson in order to silence her husband, Iraqi war critic, Ambassador Joe Wilson. The bogus war that resulted has cost over a half-trillion dollars, and over a hundred thousand lives.
Elsewhere in the news, NASA is canceling its Killer Asteroid program, citing lack of funds. NASA says finding 90% of the Earth-crossing asteroids and destroying them would cost $1 billion dollars, or about 3 days worth of the Iraqi War -- money it simply does not have. Asteroids capable of ending life on Earth hit every 500,000 years or so, with the last impact occurring in 498,000 BC.
It's fun to gloat about Libby's suffering (and the suffering by proxy that the Bushies are experiencing), but he's merely a surrogate. And he wasn't convicted for the leak, but for lying about it.
Unless Scooter cuts a sentencing deal by promising to out the real culprits, this is merely a footnote.
Meanwhile, keep tracking the Justices story -- prosecutors fired for not going after Democrats before the last election. I think that story will have "legs."
And great -- now we have to worry that NASA won't be protecting us against asteroids. Maybe they should issue all of us astronaut diapers, to prevent soilage of clothing when one of those space rocks suddenly appears in the night sky.
Where else can you find this kind of sharp reporting? Thank you PNN.
I'm hoping my Alzheimer sets in before the big rock appears in the sky and I will be able to forget the havoc that it will reap.
This proves Bush's genius. He knows the killer asteroid will end the Iraq War and global warming.
To the last anonymous:
More frightening than funny. In W's apocalyptic vision, he is the grim Rapture.
Dear r:
What makes you think Scooter is suffering? This script is playing out exactly as planned. Don't fall for the Republican spinmeisters' story line. The only ones suffering are the American people.
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