Who the hell are we fighting, anyway? It's so confusing.
The Bush administration had us fighting the terrorists -- then the Islamic fundamentalists -- and now the fascists. They can't seem to make up their minds. So who are we really fighting?
We are not technically fighting a war on terrorism. The world is full of terrorists: people using sticks and stones against far superior forces. The Chechens, who we supported, used anything they could get their hands on in their effort to oust the Russians. It didn't work. And,of course, we supported the Contras in Latin America.
Ireland's nationalists terrorized the English, as did the American and Indian colonies before them. The Brits have always been a fun target because they usually have a bloody good sense of humor about being evicted. But, in fact, all colonists and occupiers are eventually attacked by insurgents using terrorism, no matter how nice those colonists and occupiers are.
Terrorism is an instrument, not an ideology. As a tactic, terrorism has been used by every underdog. Every former British, French, Spanish, and Soviet colony has used it. One can't target a tactic. It will always be invisible.
And we're not fighting fascism. Fascism is not a religiously inspired ideology. Most religious fundamentalists are totalitarian when it comes to messing with their doctrine, but the evil doers of 9/11 are not fascists, at least not in the classical Nietzsche, Carlyle, Wagner, Leader-as-Superman kind of way. Social Darwinism appeals to most nutcase leaders who get a rush subordinating individuals to the state.
Iran's president has called George Bush, Dick Cheney and Tony Blair "two Franco-Americans and one meatball." No wonder they call him hysterical. This guy's a joke a minute. He likens Bush to Hitler, Cheney to Franco, and Blair to Mussolini. He's taken this tactic right out of the Bush/Cheney playbook--whatever your critics call you, send it right back at 'em. These days everyone wants to play the fascist card.
But, as a response to 9/11, we're not really fighting theocracies except, possibly, the one at home. For sure we are fighting a rag-tag group of Islamic extremists at a time when radical Christianity has taken over the United States government. Many Americans believe in The Rapture, Armageddon, the whole deal. Whoa. They can hardly wait for their president to bring it on.
Evil though al Qaeda is, the destructive capability of this otherwise inconsequential group has been magnified by the arms selling countries (we lead this group) and the ineptness of the Bush administration at handling national security and homeland defense.
The administration that brought you New Orleans: The New Atlantis has, for political purposes, magnified this group of razor-bladed, perfume-bottled, shoe-bombing nutcases into a state to rival all states.
And, because we've been suckered into fighting innocent Muslim countries, killing innocent Muslim civilians, more and more once-borderline Muslims are joining the ranks of the radical Islamists. Tragically we're reaching the point where we will have an intractable problem on our hands.
On the eve of the 5th anniversary of 9/11, the President will give a speech to nail home the concept that we are fighting the fascists. He and his minions have been traveling the country planting the fascist seed in American heads. Their bogus message is clear: to cut and run from fascism is no less than traitorous in 2006, than it would have been in 1942.
Who the hell are we fighting, anyway? It's so confusing.
The Bush administration had us fighting the terrorists -- then the Islamic fundamentalists -- and now the fascists. They can't seem to make up their minds. So who are we really fighting?
We are not technically fighting a war on terrorism. The world is full of terrorists: people using sticks and stones against far superior forces. The Chechens, who we supported, used anything they could get their hands on in their effort to oust the Russians. It didn't work. And,of course, we supported the Contras in Latin America.
Ireland's nationalists terrorized the English, as did the American and Indian colonies before them. The Brits have always been a fun target because they usually have a bloody good sense of humor about being evicted. But, in fact, all colonists and occupiers are eventually attacked by insurgents using terrorism, no matter how nice those colonists and occupiers are.
Terrorism is an instrument, not an ideology. As a tactic, terrorism has been used by every underdog. Every former British, French, Spanish, and Soviet colony has used it. One can't target a tactic. It will always be invisible.
And we're not fighting fascism. Fascism is not a religiously inspired ideology. Most religious fundamentalists are totalitarian when it comes to messing with their doctrine, but the evil doers of 9/11 are not fascists, at least not in the classical Nietzsche, Carlyle, Wagner, Leader-as-Superman kind of way. Social Darwinism appeals to most nutcase leaders who get a rush subordinating individuals to the state.
Iran's president has called George Bush, Dick Cheney and Tony Blair "two Franco-Americans and one meatball." No wonder they call him hysterical. This guy's a joke a minute. He likens Bush to Hitler, Cheney to Franco, and Blair to Mussolini. He's taken this tactic right out of the Bush/Cheney playbook--whatever your critics call you, send it right back at 'em. These days everyone wants to play the fascist card.
But, as a response to 9/11, we're not really fighting theocracies except, possibly, the one at home. For sure we are fighting a rag-tag group of Islamic extremists at a time when radical Christianity has taken over the United States government. Many Americans believe in The Rapture, Armageddon, the whole deal. Whoa. They can hardly wait for their president to bring it on.
Evil though al Qaeda is, the destructive capability of this otherwise inconsequential group has been magnified by the arms selling countries (we lead this group) and the ineptness of the Bush administration at handling national security and homeland defense.
The administration that brought you New Orleans: The New Atlantis has, for political purposes, magnified this group of razor-bladed, perfume-bottled, shoe-bombing nutcases into a state to rival all states.
And, because we've been suckered into fighting innocent Muslim countries, killing innocent Muslim civilians, more and more once-borderline Muslims are joining the ranks of the radical Islamists. Tragically we're reaching the point where we will have an intractable problem on our hands.
On the eve of the 5th anniversary of 9/11, the President will give a speech to nail home the concept that we are fighting the fascists. He and his minions have been traveling the country planting the fascist seed in American heads. Their bogus message is clear: to cut and run from fascism is no less than traitorous in 2006, than it would have been in 1942.