Bye Bye Bushie. Let's sing together,
One boy
One certain boy
One boy to joke with
To smoke with
Do Coke with
One boy
Not two or three--ee--ee
That's the way it should be
That's the way it should be
As quaint and naive as that song seems today, boy George is still singing that tune on the world stage. James Baker, longtime friend of the Bush family, told CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 that it was odd the decision concerning the fate of the Iraq war (and possibly the fate of the Middle East) came down to one boy, one certain boy -- one boy to give for, to live for -- to die for, the boy of his friend, George Herbert Walker Bush.
That one boy, the DUI Party-er-In-Chief, stood on one side of an ever-widening gulf between his delusional plan for victory in Iraq, and the rest of the world's resignation to the lost folly. Most Republicans, Democrats, the Iraqi puppet government, and world opinion think our leader has become un-tethered. Not that he ever was tethered.
James Baker couldn't recall another time when a single Decider stood between war and peace. The party-boy's party, bloodied in the elections, has no taste for pressuring their leader. And the party-boy's opposition party is too giddy with victory to lay the groundwork for impeachment.
Bi-partisanship was "the way it should be," but the boy-president quickly dismissed the two main conclusions of the Baker/Hamilton Report: that he get out of Dodge in 15 months, and that he engage Iran and Syria. The report's conclusions could hardly have been more unequivocal; the situation in Iraq is "grave and deteriorating." That kind of bluntness almost borders on the comical.
When asked what Junior would do with the Baker/Hamilton report, Baker said he really didn't know. But, already the bad Bush boy is picking apart the "fruit salad" that is the Iraq Study Group report, and doing his boy-emperor thing. The two bi-Atlantic partisans, boy George and boy Tony seem to represent the new bi-partisanship posture of the Bush administration.
Not that anyone should be surprised. After manipulating the 2000 coup and 2004 election, the Decider decided to take his "mandate," his baseball and his glove, and go it alone.
The American people have a mandate as well. To remove the Decider from office.
Bye Bye Bushie. Let's sing together,
One boy
One certain boy
One boy to joke with
To smoke with
Do Coke with
One boy
Not two or three--ee--ee
That's the way it should be
That's the way it should be
As quaint and naive as that song seems today, boy George is still singing that tune on the world stage. James Baker, longtime friend of the Bush family, told CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 that it was odd the decision concerning the fate of the Iraq war (and possibly the fate of the Middle East) came down to one boy, one certain boy -- one boy to give for, to live for -- to die for, the boy of his friend, George Herbert Walker Bush.
That one boy, the DUI Party-er-In-Chief, stood on one side of an ever-widening gulf between his delusional plan for victory in Iraq, and the rest of the world's resignation to the lost folly. Most Republicans, Democrats, the Iraqi puppet government, and world opinion think our leader has become un-tethered. Not that he ever was tethered.
James Baker couldn't recall another time when a single Decider stood between war and peace. The party-boy's party, bloodied in the elections, has no taste for pressuring their leader. And the party-boy's opposition party is too giddy with victory to lay the groundwork for impeachment.
Bi-partisanship was "the way it should be," but the boy-president quickly dismissed the two main conclusions of the Baker/Hamilton Report: that he get out of Dodge in 15 months, and that he engage Iran and Syria. The report's conclusions could hardly have been more unequivocal; the situation in Iraq is "grave and deteriorating." That kind of bluntness almost borders on the comical.
When asked what Junior would do with the Baker/Hamilton report, Baker said he really didn't know. But, already the bad Bush boy is picking apart the "fruit salad" that is the Iraq Study Group report, and doing his boy-emperor thing. The two bi-Atlantic partisans, boy George and boy Tony seem to represent the new bi-partisanship posture of the Bush administration.
Not that anyone should be surprised. After manipulating the 2000 coup and 2004 election, the Decider decided to take his "mandate," his baseball and his glove, and go it alone.
The American people have a mandate as well. To remove the Decider from office.