Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Today, I have no idea for a story. Rather than waste your time trying to make one up, I was thinking I'd give you all the day off. But then it struck me that you might use that extra time to overproduce and thus, jeopardize the planet. None of you somnabitches can be trusted, and I say that affectionately.

A rolling stone may gather no moss, but the notion that idle time leads to naughty boys and girls may prove to be our demise. It leads to a cycle of overproduction that begins here:

We make Gods, just to piss them off. We make rules just to break them. We make laws just to skirt them. Truly, we are all sinners.

We make up naughty words, naughty sex, naughty drugs, and naughty wars just to be naughty. We, my friends, are naughty puppies. Why are we naughty puppies?

We make words naughty to make money. We make sex naughty to make money. We make drugs naughty to make money. We even make wars naughty to make money. It's enough to give war a bad name.

Indeed, we make money, just to make more money-- just so we can be gods: god's to piss off -- gods who will forgive --and round and round we go; where we stop, nobody knows. Naughty is good business. It's a viscous circle but, arguably, it was nice while the Earth lasted.

This blog has dissed politicians, but they are no different from us. We all break the laws. We all break the rules. We lie, we cheat, we steal, we hurt -- and these are our good attributes! High-fallutin, overpollutin, we overproduce, over-accumulate, and then make nice with our forgiving Gods -- who, in forgiveness, seem as opportunistic as we are.

Then we proceed to overpopulate, make war, and fuck up our planet royally. All this is making me hungry. Why are we always out of milk in this damn house?

Anyway, we rail against hypocrisy in our elected officials while we hire illegal aliens, buy SUVs, speed, drug and pleasure ourselves on anything we can find. Is there anything humans won't rub their organs against? Wouldn't it be nice if we spent our porn money trying to save Darfur?

How many political candidates would get elected if they didn't lie about their transgressions -- or overlook yours? And try admitting you're a metro-sexual atheist looking to eliminate cheap illegal labor and see how far you get. Try running on a "Slowdown Production" platform and see how far you get.

Besides, politicians are so much like us, it almost seems like they're human. Let's face it. We suck. It's just that some of us suck less than others. We call ourselves Democrats.