Wow. We'll bomb mosques and schools, but not cemeteries?
A Predator aircraft recently snapped a photo (since leaked to the press) of a 190 Taliban militants gathering at a cemetery in Afghanistan. The military evaluated the target of opportunity and then called off firing the drone's missiles.
Why? Because cemeteries, being sacrosanct, are off-limits.
How dumb is that? We have no problem filling cemeteries, but we won't bomb them?
Here the holy scumbags who aided the 9/11 terrorists could have been pushed right into the earth without fanfare or funereal expense, and our Right Wing army called off the mission? That makes me feel safer!
Wasn't it the Conservatives who just created a 5-part TV miniseries insinuating that Clinton was soft on terrorism for fictitiously calling off al Qaeda strikes? And now Born-again Bush is going wobbly on us because of a few gravestones?
Meanwhile, the Bush Administration is begging us to "stay the course" in Iraq, where 100,000 are now dead.
Like the guy who murders his parents and begs for mercy for being an orphan, George and Dick are pleading with the American people to allow them to make good on their mistaken, and botched invasion of Iraq. If they could just say they brought democracy to the Middle East, all would be well.
While it's looking less and less like Americans are buying their pathetic case, George and Dick know that if they can just hold on for another two years, then -- when the Dems take over -- the inevitable loss in Iraq will become their opponents' fault.
It's a pretty ugly strategy, but what choice do they have? They've dug their own graves, and they apparently don't want to share them with Taliban bodies.
Wow. We'll bomb mosques and schools, but not cemeteries?
A Predator aircraft recently snapped a photo (since leaked to the press) of a 190 Taliban militants gathering at a cemetery in Afghanistan. The military evaluated the target of opportunity and then called off firing the drone's missiles.
Why? Because cemeteries, being sacrosanct, are off-limits.
How dumb is that? We have no problem filling cemeteries, but we won't bomb them?
Here the holy scumbags who aided the 9/11 terrorists could have been pushed right into the earth without fanfare or funereal expense, and our Right Wing army called off the mission? That makes me feel safer!
Wasn't it the Conservatives who just created a 5-part TV miniseries insinuating that Clinton was soft on terrorism for fictitiously calling off al Qaeda strikes? And now Born-again Bush is going wobbly on us because of a few gravestones?
Meanwhile, the Bush Administration is begging us to "stay the course" in Iraq, where 100,000 are now dead.
Like the guy who murders his parents and begs for mercy for being an orphan, George and Dick are pleading with the American people to allow them to make good on their mistaken, and botched invasion of Iraq. If they could just say they brought democracy to the Middle East, all would be well.
While it's looking less and less like Americans are buying their pathetic case, George and Dick know that if they can just hold on for another two years, then -- when the Dems take over -- the inevitable loss in Iraq will become their opponents' fault.
It's a pretty ugly strategy, but what choice do they have? They've dug their own graves, and they apparently don't want to share them with Taliban bodies.