As the song goes, how do solve a problem like Hillary-a?
For well over 200 years now, male, white breadwinners have ensured that male, white-bread winners kept America queen-less. Now we have an equal number of female breadwinners and the male ego has been forced to share the steering wheel. Enter Hillarya, poster girl and ground zero for the marginalized-male backlash, and one has to peek through one's fingers as the cataclysmic forces collide.
As if that weren't enough, Hillarya authorized our idiot president to go to war -- though not the war we're in -- and would not have given him the green light had she known that 70% of voters would be dead against it as she threw her hat into the ring . On this, she has triangulated so often, it is hard to know what she authorized.
After 9/11, the palpable sense of retribution in New York could not have been ignored. As a woman senator, Hillarya needed to appear especially tough, so she authorized and will forever be painted with the blunder-brush.
Add to this the black hole that will siphon black votes away from candidate Hillarya, that ubiquitous unseen matter with the attractive force: Obama. Hillarya says she'll carry the black vote, but her husband got over 90% of the black vote in the primaries: she'll be lucky to receive half that.
Being a centrist necessarily makes one cautious, a hedger of bets, inoffensive. Coming from the old school, Hillarya wants to back into office, avoiding any knock-out blows. Unfortunately the country is not with her on this. Freshman senator Jim Webb, in his "scale back or we will show you the way," in-your-face rebuttal of the president's State of the Union address, better reflected the mood of the nation. The majority now wants a more confrontational approach with the president. We're mad, and we're not going to take it any more. Nuance will not win the day. Kerry nuanced and was swift-boated off the Potomac.
So how do you solve a problem like Hillarya? And whose problem is it? As the football-heads countdown to Super Bowl Sunday, it is time for Hillarya to find herself. Men have knocked heads and screwed up the game for long enough. Call it wisdom. Call it perspective. Call it about time. But, if she's truly serious about winning, she needs to make the case that without a fresh, new (female) approach to governing, we may not be around for the post-game ceremonies.
As the song goes, how do solve a problem like Hillary-a?
For well over 200 years now, male, white breadwinners have ensured that male, white-bread winners kept America queen-less. Now we have an equal number of female breadwinners and the male ego has been forced to share the steering wheel. Enter Hillarya, poster girl and ground zero for the marginalized-male backlash, and one has to peek through one's fingers as the cataclysmic forces collide.
As if that weren't enough, Hillarya authorized our idiot president to go to war -- though not the war we're in -- and would not have given him the green light had she known that 70% of voters would be dead against it as she threw her hat into the ring . On this, she has triangulated so often, it is hard to know what she authorized.
After 9/11, the palpable sense of retribution in New York could not have been ignored. As a woman senator, Hillarya needed to appear especially tough, so she authorized and will forever be painted with the blunder-brush.
Add to this the black hole that will siphon black votes away from candidate Hillarya, that ubiquitous unseen matter with the attractive force: Obama. Hillarya says she'll carry the black vote, but her husband got over 90% of the black vote in the primaries: she'll be lucky to receive half that.
Being a centrist necessarily makes one cautious, a hedger of bets, inoffensive. Coming from the old school, Hillarya wants to back into office, avoiding any knock-out blows. Unfortunately the country is not with her on this. Freshman senator Jim Webb, in his "scale back or we will show you the way," in-your-face rebuttal of the president's State of the Union address, better reflected the mood of the nation. The majority now wants a more confrontational approach with the president. We're mad, and we're not going to take it any more. Nuance will not win the day. Kerry nuanced and was swift-boated off the Potomac.
So how do you solve a problem like Hillarya? And whose problem is it? As the football-heads countdown to Super Bowl Sunday, it is time for Hillarya to find herself. Men have knocked heads and screwed up the game for long enough. Call it wisdom. Call it perspective. Call it about time. But, if she's truly serious about winning, she needs to make the case that without a fresh, new (female) approach to governing, we may not be around for the post-game ceremonies.